Fire Retardant Plywood

Product Description

KTI Fire Retardant Ply is a type of plywood which is treated with special fire retardant chemicals at the time of manufacturing. The addition of fire retardant chemical gives the plywood better fire proofing qualities such as:

Main specialty of KPI fire Retardant ply is the addition of preservative chemical with using fire Retardant by pressure impregnation process prevents from borer and termites also. Mostly the fire Retardant chemicals decrease the bonding Strength in veneers. Due to pressure impregnation in ply KTI fire Retardant ply conforms to BWR Grade. A vacuum pressure of 56 cm/Hg is applied and fire Retardant solution with preservative is impregnated with a pressure of 2 – 12 kg/cm2 for the required absorption of chemical

Fire Retardant Ply (IS - 5509 : 2000)

Technical Specification
S/No. Test BIS Requirement Observed Value
1. Dimension Length Length +6 / -0 (mm) Length +2 mm
Width Width +3 / -0 (mm) Width +1 mm
Thickness up to 5 mm +10%/-10% 6 mm & Above +5%/-5% 3.01% 2.85%
Squareness 0.20% 0.16%
Edge Straightness 0.20% 0.12%
2. Moisture Content 20% max. 12%
3. Glue Adhesion Water Resistance Test
3 Cycles at 100 +2/-2 0C for 8 hours Boiling in water and dried for 3 Cycles of 16 hours at 65 +2/-2 0C in Alternate wet and dry Process Adhesion of Plies should be min. Pass Standard Pass Standard
4. Static Bending Strength
MOR Along the Grain Avg. – 40 N / mm2 Ind. – 36 N / mm2 Avg. 44.36 N / mm2 Ind. 41.00 N / mm2
MOR Across the Grain Avg. – 20 N / mm2 Ind. – 18 N / mm2 Avg. 25.12 N / mm2 Ind. 19.36 N / mm2
MOE Along the Grain Avg. – 5000 N / mm2 Ind. – 4500 N / mm2 Avg. 5584.00 N/mm2 Ind. 4940.42 N/mm2
MOE Across the Grain Avg. – 2500 N / mm2 Ind. – 2200 N / mm2 Avg. 2735.00 N/mm2 Ind. 2500.12 N/mm2
5. MyCological Test Min. Pass Standard Pass Standard
6. Retention 50 kg/m3 54.39 kg/m3
7. Flammability Time taken for 2nd Ignition shall not be less than 30 mints 42 mints
8. Flame Penetration Shall not be less than 15 mints for every 6 mm thickness 15t/ 6 where t is thickness of ply in mm for 12 mm ply 38 mints
9. Rate of Burning Loose weight form 30% – 70% shall not be less than 20 mints 26 mints
10. Workmanship And Finish Should be Conforming to The Requirements of The finished plywood shall be reasonably clean to handle and free of dirt stain other than any uniform colour of the flame retardant solution Conforming